Design Thinking Industry Shareback

Design Thinking Industry Shareback


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  • July 20, 2022
  • 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM

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Design Thinking Industry Shareback

2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
July 20, 2022


Design Thinking Industry Shareback

2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
July 20, 2022


Design Thinking Industry Shareback – Enabling A Sustainable Dormitory Experience Through Design


The 19-week study is concluded with an industry shareback session held on Wednesday, 20th July 2022 at the National Design Council. This is our first ESG LEAD project funded by Enterprise Singapore (ESG) and supported by Ministry of Manpower (MOM). 


Extensive research study was conducted through stakeholder interviews, dormitory observations tours over the 19 weeks by our appointed consultancy, AGENCY. A prototype was set up to test the proposed design principles and an industry handbook was produced. The findings were shared with the industry on what the future holds in the dormitory industry. 


During the session, Project Treehouse, a team of students from Raffles Junior College (RJC), presented their work on Dorm 2040. This group of passionate youth was under the mentorship of DASL and AGENCY. They visited various types of dormitories and through their study, they developed an impressive work on how they envision the dormitories of the future. The sharing sparked interesting discussion among the participants. The session ended off with an insightful panel discussion where the panellists shared their views on the findings from the study and the roles of key stakeholders should play to improve dormitory living standard.


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